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Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

SOP Saudara

·     Cover ……………………………………….. i
·     List ……………………………………….. ii
·     Introduction ………………………………...1
·     Discussion …..………………………… 2-9
·     Conclussion ……………………………… 10

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu
            First of all, prays be to Allah SWT. lord of the word, because Allah give wisdom to we so, we can finished our presentation. And don’t forget send to the prophet Muhammad SAW., who save human being from the darkness to the lightness.
            Now we take SOP Saudara as material in our prensentation. SOP Saudara is typical food from Pangkep Regency. SOP Saudara is the meaning “Saya Orang Pangkep Saudara” and the translet of English is “I’m Citizen of Pangkep”. SOP Saudara is very delicious food. Why we said it? Because Clarion Hotel Makassar use SOP Saudara as first menu. No only it, counselor of PHRI SulSel, Nico B. Pasaka will bring two maker of SOP Saudara to International Culinary Festival Event in Netherlands. And in Pangkep Recency, have a group of SOP Saudara and the name of group is APSOS (Asosiasi Pengusaha SOP Saudara). President of APSOS, Syamsul Hamzah said : “Now, APSOS have 300 members in South of Sulawesi. No only it, SOP Saudara present in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, and Arab.
            We think that’s all. And we hope you’re advice and you’re criticism.
            Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah
            Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

                                                                                    Mattampa, October 04th, 2012

                                                                                                        Group 4

History of SOP Saudara

            SOP Saudara is one of food specialties Pangkep District that is currently quite popular. The distribution is influenced by the Pangkep who migrated to other areas. The meaning of SOP Saudara is “Saya Orang Pangkep Saudara”.  SOP Saudara is a culinary revolution in South Sulawesi. The first inventor prescription and the first seasoning SOP Saudara is H. Dollahi. Initially, H. Dollahi is only a servant of H. Subair, which at that time he was a seller of of meat soup in Makassar circa 1950-three years H. Dollahi and H. Subair follow.
            The naming SOP Saudara think of H. Dollahi, inspired the name “Coto Paraikatte”. Paraikatte (our neighbor) means the same as “Brother”, so named means that everyone who ate at a soup shop you will feel it is related to the owners, servants, and fellow audience (customers) SOP Saudara. There is people also say that the name SOP is identity of assertion origin. SOP Saudara is considered “Saya Orang Pangkep Saudara”.

            Coto Paraikatte is the name shop of Coto Makassar. Both Coto Makassar and SOP Saudara same made from raw beef, it’s just only SOP Saudara with pepper and coriander as a characterized Coto of seasoning onion and garlic. Another difference is that, if eaten with a diamond CotoSaudara was eaten with rice soup and fish grilled milkfish.

            According to H. Dollahi, peanut sauce (Cobe – Cobe) of fish grilled milkfish would actually impair taste typical SOP Saudara. “If you want to feel the joy of soup, grilled fish do not eat together. Not should not be eaten with grilled fish. It’s just the typical taste of soup will be reduced”, he said. But now SOP Saudara become a media market for milkfish, the fishery that many Pangkep.

            H. Dollahi entire family of Pangkep call for help. A total of 14 employees is none other than his own family is heir to the soup recipe you are now also starting to open a business in your own soup shop and expand its network in various cities and places. That’s why there are stalls where you SOP, it is certain that the shop owner had family ties and kinship with H. Dollahi.

            Seeing the potential of culinary SOP Saudara already archipelago, district government (local government) in the reign Pangkep Regent Ir. H. Syafruddin Nur, M.Si. through the Departement of Culture and Tourism in 2007 and held a festival at the same time facilitate the information APSOS (Asosiasi Pengusaha SOP Saudara). When it was elected as Chairman of APSOS so far is H. Syamsul Hamzah (Aji Ancu), while H. Dollahi yourself as advisor APSOS prefer to keep control of the house of his Brother eat soup in the number road Andalas Makassar.

            In the year 2008 at the Clarion Hotel Makassar, SOP Saudara lauched as the main menu and the Five-Star Hotel Makassar in 2009, SOP Saudara represent Culinary Indonesia in Tontong Fair International Culinary Festival in the Hague, Netherlands. For APSOS Chairman, H. Syamsul Hamzah, “SOP Saudara bring value and atmosphere of brotherhood”, said the owner of RM”.

SOP Saudara at the head of Pettarani, Makassar. Now SOP Saudara is also a culinary identity of South Sulawesi, so if you visit South Sulawesi without enjoying the taste of the original SOP Saudara, it feels less be complete that SOP. Although visit relatives initially developed in Makassar, but his original soup is typical food from Pangkep.

How to Make SOP Saudara ?


   Knife                                           Spatula
      Blender                                        Spoon


* 250 gr meat, cut into 2 cm
* 750 ml water
* 1 cm ginger mashed
* 1 cm ginger root mashed
* 3 pieces of orange leaves in tatters
* 2 steam lemongrass, mashed
* 1 spoon of salt
* ¼ spoon of nutmeg powder
* 1 cm cinnamon
* 1 egg

Fine Spices

*      7 Pieces of Onion
*      3 Cloves of Garlic
*      Soun / Bihun
*      Pepper
*      ½ Table Spoon Corander
*      2 cm Turmeric
*      ¼ Tea Spoon Cumin
*      Eggs
*      Oil


*           50 gr thin rice noodles / bihun cooked briefly

*           Steam leaves Onion, sliced

*           Fried Onion

*           Streamed rice cut into pieces

*           Lung chips

*           Meathou Potato
How to Make It ?

Steps / Methods

1.    Sengkel met boiled.
2.    Heat oil, fried smooth flavor, ginger, lime leaves, and lemongrass till fragnant.
3.    Mix fried flavor to the stew meat, add salt, nutmeg, and cinnamons. Cook until the flavor permeate.
4.    Put in bowl streamidrice, soun, onion leaves, fried onion, lung chinps, and dry meatball.
5.    Ready to serve .....


SOP Saudara, besides way of it’s making very easy, SOP Saudara event also very delicious.

Typical food of this is Pangkep is very famous and we hope SOP Saudara shall no longer in copy by other state.

Saya Orang Pangkep Saudara

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